2018 in the media
Jan Úšela | 6. 12. 2018
Kdyby všechnu práci zastali jen roboti, ekonomika by se zhroutila, říká analytik Microsoftu Roca a představil pozice, kde bude člověk nenahraditelný
Simona Fendrychová
23. 11. 2018
"Manželé dětských nevěst mi vyhrožují smrtí, říká TV hvězda. Natáčet musí s bodyguardy"
Hospodarske Noviny - the Economic Daily
Martin Ehl | 21. 11. 2018
"Kvůli obchodní válce USA-Čína může globální růst výrazně zpomalit. Evropa by si měla vytvořit polštář, říká evropský šéf MMF"
"V Praze se uskuteční jedinečné setkání k budoucnosti vědy a technologií" - rozhovor se zakladatelem GARI a programovým ředitelem Michalem Kořanem
N100 Session footage
Find the 2018 N100 sessions on our YouTube channel
Check out Frederick Bordry and Robert-Jan Smits at the Next100 Science & Innovation panel.
SPeaker highlights 2018
Frédérick Bordry
Director of Technology,

Since 2014 Frédérick Bordry acts as the Director for Accelerators and Technology, where he is responsible for the operation and exploitation of the whole CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) accelerator complex, with particular emphasis on the LHC and for the development of new projects and technologies.
His strategic focus is to make sure that the CERN accelerator’s technologies will stay ahead of the technological curve beyond 2040.

Global Young Leader for Women & Migration
Founder, Reality TV show “Saving Innocence Challenge”
At 17, Esther Nakajjigo was named Uganda's Ambassador for Women and Girls.
She donated her university tuition and started a community health facility with a Teenage Centre supporting child mothers. She owns a popular reality television show on teenage pregnancy called “Saving Innocence Challenge” applauded by EU in Uganda as one of the best self-sustaining girl-lead models in the world, championed as well as financed by local girls for local girls
Jeffrey Franks
Director, International Monetary Fund

Jeffrey Franks is Director of the IMF Europe Office and Senior Resident Representative to the European Union, based in Brussels.
A 25-year veteran of the Fund, he has held numerous other assignments, including heading the resident offices, and leading teams in several countries.
He received his Ph.D. in Political Economy and Government from Harvard, and has Master’s degrees from Princeton and Oxford universities.
Data Strategist and Economist,
Microsoft & LinkedIn

Thomas Roca is Data Strategist and Economist at Microsoft & LinkedIn within the Government Affairs team.
Thomas conducts economic research about the future of work, the impact of Artificial Intelligence and automation on the labor market.
His favorite field of research is at the cross roads between data-science and socio-economic analysis.
Thomas gives data-training for the United Nation System Staff College in collaboration with Data-Pop Alliance (ODI, MIT media Lab, Harvard HHI)
Founder & Member of Advisory Board,
Benson Oak Capital

Mr Gabriel Eichler is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board at MONETA Money Bank, a.s.
He serves as Member of Advisory Board at Benson Oak Capital which he founded in 1991. Former positions of Mr Eichler include Chief International Economist of Bank of America, and regional General Manager for Bank of America in Paris, Vienna, and Frankfurt.
Senior Adviser for
Open Access and Innovation

Robert-Jan Smits was Director-General of DG Research and Innovation (RTD) at the European Commission from July 2010 to February 2018.
In this capacity he was responsible for defining and implementing the EU policy and programmes in the field of research and innovation.
Mr Smits was one of the main architects and negotiators of Horizon 2020, the 80 billion EU programme for science and innovation (2014-2020).
Karel Janecek

Institute for Democracy 21 &
Neuron Fund
Mr. Karel Janecek, MBA, Ph.D. serves as Chief Executive Officer of RSJ: From 1998 to 2000, he worked for a hedge fund Market Research, Ltd. as a mathematical analyst. He teaches graduate courses in Financial Mathematics for the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University Mr. Janecek is a Ph.D. graduate in the field of Mathematical Finance at Carnegie Mellon University.
He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in the field of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. He also holds an MBA in finance from Bradley University.
Barbora Buhnova
Associate Professor
Masaryk University

Barbora Buhnova is an Associate Professor at Masaryk University (MU) in Brno, leading multiple research teams at both the Faculty of Informatics of MU (software architecture, critical infrastructures, smart cities) and the Institute of Computer Science of MU (big data analytics). Serving in the Academic Senate, she organizes leading conferences around the globe.
She is the Technology and Course Development director of the Czechitas.A non-profit organization , which aims to inspire and empower new talents for stronger diversity in tech.
Carlos Alvarez Pereira
Founder & President,
Innaxis Foundation & Research Institute

An entrepreneur in IT consulting and former researcher in systems dynamics, Carlos Alvarez Pereira created Innaxis to address complexity as a paradigm shift in civilization to jointly serve humanity and the biosphere.
In addition to his role as the founder of the Innaxis Foundation and Research Institute, Carlos is also a Member of the Board of the Club of Rome, an organization that strives to promote understanding of global challenges and proposes solutions through scientific analysis, communication, and advocacy.
PROGRAM Highlights 2018
Charting the Future
Ambassador's Session
Opening Statement:
Jeffrey Franks, Director,
International Monetary Fund,
Robert Kvile, Norwegian Ambassador
Viktoria Li, Swedish Ambassador
Opening Statement:
Thomas Roca, Economist & Data Strategist Microsoft & LinkedIn

The Next 100 ReDefiners program brings together selected students from diverse fields including humanities, social sciences, engineering, computing science, art and the natural sciences. The students form small international teams and identify one issue that they perceive to be the paramount global challenge for our future. Working collaboratively, teams incorporate innovative ideas from their respective fields and propose a way to address this challenge. Up to ten teams will be invited to Prague for a five day-long workshop, during which time they finalize their proposals. The top teams, as selected by a panel of experts, will be invited to present their ideas at the Next 100 Symposium.
select partners 2018
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