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Join US

Become a partner of the Next 100 Symposium and thus, one of the shapers of a unique global endeavor organized under the umbrella of the Global Arena Research Institute.

The Next 100 Symposium is the primary event of a long-term groundbreaking global platform for transformative dialogue. We invite you to consider becoming a general Programme Partner of The Next 100 Symposium.


Kicking off with a keynote, the day is dedicated to our plenaries, panels and other various programme designs along with networking breaks and Working Lunches. The atmosphere is established with innovative discussions integrating our diverse speakers and attendees, establishing the ethos of interdisciplinary collaboration and future-oriented problem solving of the Next 100 Symposium.


N100 | Symposium
19 - 20 2021


Can you or someone you know/represent contribute to the programme as a speaker or moderator? We are looking for experts and professionals of all sectors and backgrounds - our main inspiration is interdisciplinarity and the ability to think and argue outside the box!



Become a General Programme Partner or host a session at the N100 Symposium - whether it's by choosing the topic, placing a key speaker or simply being the session partner.  You'll be shaping the agenda of the day and having unique exposure to the N100 members and audience!




We are a consortium of thinkers. Each partnership is unique and shaped according to the vision of the partner & GARI. We are looking for Next 100 Partners, who will join the endeavour as shapers and designers. The goal is to build a comprehensive programme of diverse topics, perspectives, angles, and approaches.  


If you'd like to simply be a N100 partner, or host a session or entire N100 Area (e.g. N100 Economy), whether you'd like to host a working group, followed by a panel, or you'd just like exclusive access to the N100, the Speaker Lunches and the N100 Dinner - contact us and we'll set up a meeting.

Our partners will not only enjoy public, political and media exposure but more importantly will co-shape the agenda and outcome of the Symposium and will frame the future of Next100 events in 2019.  Become a member of one of the 18 working groups (see attached links) and help us to promote an innovative discourse between the public, advanced technologies, business, politics and research.


We would be delighted to schedule a meeting or phone/conference call at your earliest convenience with a representative responsible for partnerships in order to provide you with more details and to discuss individually crafted options that would fit your interests and needs.


The Next 100 Symposium is a groundbreaking global platform, transforming the innovative energy of the brightest technological minds into empowering societies across the globe.  

We engage with pioneering innovators in technology, leading researchers, academics, policy-makers, and business and strategy executives.

Hosting one of the program components as a partner means defining a topic, focus and confirming speakers.  

All program speakers will be invited to the N100 Dinner, Closed Working Groups & Breakouts 

The GARI N100 team is there for all areas of support (topic, description, promotion strategy, speaker suggestions, confirmation and logistical support.)


A n100 speaker 

We’re looking for diverse speakers in the N100 Areas.

We put a lot of effort into hosting gender-balanced panels and each year work toward a more representative selection of speakers at our working meetings

If you have any suggestions that require more detail or would like to discuss the N100, please email us at

We’re looking for diverse speakers in the N100 Areas.

We put a lot of effort into hosting gender-balanced panels and each year work toward a more representative selection of speakers at our working meetings


Head of Symposium: Odessa Primus

Head of Programme: Michal Koran

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Číslo účtu/Account number: 7779997706 / 5500

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Global Arena Research Institute, z. ú.


Konopištská 965/11, 10000 Praha 10

join us

If you'd like to take part in the Symposium as a speaker, participant, programme partner or sponsor, please contact us on the email above.

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executive director of gari

and the next 100 Symposium


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